
Showing posts with the label Disqualify counsel RPC 3.7 New Jersey

Disqualification of Attorneys in Litigation Matters Pursuant to the Attorney-Witness Rule - RPC 3.7

In this post I examine the attorney witness rule incorporated in New Jersey Rule of Professional Conduct (ā€œRPCā€) 3.7, and how the Rule can be used to disqualify a lawyer representing a party in litigation when the lawyer possesses factual knowledge of contested issues that go to the heart of the case.  Because courts generally are reluctant to disqualify a partyā€™s choice of counsel, a motion brought pursuant to RPC 3.7 requires the moving party to bear the burden of proof by demonstrating that the attorneyā€™s continued representation would violate the Rule. J.G. Ries & Sons, Inc. v. Spectraserv, Inc. ,384 N.J. Super. 216 (App. Div. 2006). RPC 3.7(a)  states: A lawyer shall not act as advocate at a trial in which the lawyer is likely to be a necessary witness except where: (1) the testimony relates to an uncontested issue; (2) the testimony relates to the nature and value of legal services rendered in the case; (3) disqualification of the ...