Bank Acquiring Title To Property At Foreclosure Sale Not Liable For Fire Code Penalties, Says NJ Appeals Court
Given the substantial number of property foreclosures in recent years, I frequently report on decisions involving foreclosure law. In a case of first impression, on March 29, 2012, the New Jersey Appellate Division held that municipal fines/penalties imposed against the property owner under New Jersey's Uniform Fire Safety Act were wiped out by the bank's foreclosure of the property owner's mortgage. Pitman v. Monroe Savings Bank , Superior Court of New Jersey, Appellate Division, Docket No.: A-3110-10. This case interprets N.J.S.A. 52:27D-192 et. seq. known as the Uniform Fire Safety Act and the corresponding Uniform Fire Saftey Code 5:70-1.2 et. seq. as they apply to property acquired by foreclosure. A bank or any other entity acquiring a commercial property through foreclosure is not a "subsequent owner or one who succeeds to control over the premises" under the Code and therefore is not liable for outstanding fire code penal...